We didn't become the industry leader overnight; it took hiring and developing passionate people like you to get to this point. See below for our current openings to be a part of the Raftelis team - we look forward to getting to know you.

  • Makenna Sturgeon


    “ Raftelis is special because of its people. I feel very lucky to have so many hardworking, kind and supportive role models and peers. ”

  • Shawn Ocasio


    “ The work we do here to help our clients is both challenging and rewarding. We have a strong team that focuses on achievement, yet that doesn’t forget about caring for its people too. After 4 years, I can say I've enjoyed my time here at Raftelis. ”

  • Maurizzio Onorato

    Associate Consultant

    “ Working at Raftelis has been great - it's a positive and collaborative environment that boosts productivity and teamwork. Exploring utilities has been fascinating and enriching; providing valuable insights into diverse and critical sectors. ”





Albany, NY

Albany, NY/Austin, TX/Charlotte, NC/Cincinnati, OH/Denver, CO/Durham, NC/Kansas City, MO/Natick MA/Orlando, FL, US

Austin, TX


Charlotte, NC

Cincinnati, OH

Kansas City, MO

Orlando, FL

United States